Our Call
Joining Jesus in Going Out to Make Disciples

Christ Community Church started with a simple calling: GO OUTSIDE

"…Jesus also suffered outside the city gate to make the people holy through His own blood. Let us, then, go to Him outside the camp, bearing the disgrace He bore.” —Hebrews 13:12–13

Over the last decade plus, Jesus has graciously continued to hone the call he has on our church, and today, 3 words guide us in our pursuit of him: JOIN. GO. MAKE. 

Joining Jesus in going outside to make disciples.

Our Story

In the fall of 2009, our planting pastor, Lee Webb and his wife Rachel, along with a small group gathered to begin preparing for the birth of a new church. Christ Community Church began its first open Sunday Gathering at Southside Elementary School on 10-10-10. 

Christ Community Church gathered at Southside Elementary for the next three and a half years. The need to move meeting locations became evident in 2013. Through prayer, fasting, and following God's leadership, the church moved to Governor's Square aided greatly through a generous gift that made a way to have space rent free! The church raised the money to build out the space and began gathering there Easter weekend of 2014.

In the fall of 2014, Lee transitioned to a founding pastor role where he was not active on the Pastor/Elder Council or staff while still continuing to be an active member. Blake Lawyer was voted in as the Lead Pastor after having served on staff. Blake continues to serve in that role today alongside our leadership teams (Pastor/Elders, Deacons, & Staff) as we continue to "Love Shelbyville" and Join Jesus in Going Out to Make Disciples.